(03) 9429 0011
New Patient Offer

$199 (or No Gap) Check-Up and Clean

Benefits, offers and payment plans
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Benefits and offers

Benefits and offers

Our dental offers

Stock image of male patient with dentist seeing the colour of his teeth
Summer Teeth Whitening Offer
Jump on our special summer whitening offer and get a complimentary Philips Sonicare Power toothbrush.

Do you have a job interview, event, holiday or date? Our exclusive whitening packages can have your smile looking brand new in one hour or less.

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Health insurance

We accept all major health fund providers

Dental extras cover is a crucial component of health insurance, providing patients with financial support for various dental services beyond what is covered by standard health insurance policies.

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Dental schemes and programs

Access affordable and tailored dental programs, including government assistance, reward incentives and corporate benefits, to prioritise preventive dental care and promote overall well-being.

Dentist showing young patient their teeth in a mirror
Child Dental Benefits Schedule

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule is an Australian Government program that provides access to up to $1,095 in benefits over two consecutive calendar years.

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