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HomeChild Dental Benefits Schedule

Free Kid's Dental: Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)

Free Kid's Dental: Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is funding from Medicare provides basic dental services to children.

Dental services are capped at $1,132 over 2 consecutive calendar years.

CDBS: Designed to help you and your family maintain healthy smiles without worrying about the cost.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule

To be eligible for the CDBS, the patient must be aged 0 to 17 years for at least 1 day of the calendar year, be eligible for Medicare, and receive, or be part of a family receiving, certain Australian Government payments.

What's included

Dental Examination



Fissure Sealing


Root Canals


Partial Dentures

Take advantage of the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) and give your child the gift of a healthy smile. Call us or book online today.