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Infection Control

Infection control is pivotal to providing high-quality care and a safe working environment for healthcare workers.

A recent survey in the United States stated that the highest concern about dental care is 'patient protection'. Our team adheres to the highest standard in infection control as set by the Australian Dental Association (ADA).

The following are some of the infection control procedures that we employ universally:

  • Where possible, disposable, single-use instruments and materials are used.
  • Barrier protection – all treatment areas are covered with a single-use, plastic barrier.
  • All our non-disposable instruments are cleaned, using an ultrasonic cleaner and then sterilised in an autoclave at 134°C for a 45-minute cycle to ensure sterility.
  • All of our critical instruments are 'tracked' by Dental Board regulations, to assess and ensure the instruments used in your procedure are checked against a particular sterilisation cycle.
  • Our team members practise 'universal precautions' in clinical areas and sterilising rooms, always wearing personal protective equipment such as safety glasses, gloves, masks and gowns.

We remain abreast of the very latest practices by attending comprehensive training courses.

Dental chair tools and technology

We work closely with the Australian Dental Association (ADA)

Australian Dental Association (ADA)

“We consider the health of our patients and our team to be of utmost importance.”

- Dr Jason Gray

Lead Dentist