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HomeKeeping Smiles Bright on the Coast: Meet Dr Shruti Goswami, Lead Dentist at National Dental Care, Buddina

Keeping Smiles Bright on the Coast: Meet Dr Shruti Goswami, Lead Dentist at National Dental Care, Buddina

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Hi Dr Shruti, can you tell us a bit about your background and how you got into dentistry?
Speaking of National Dental Care, what do you enjoy about being part of National Dental Care Group?
Do you specialise in a particular area of dentistry - or do you have a more general focus?
Finally, what’s your number one oral health tip for our readers?
If you’d like to book an appointment with Dr Goswami at NDC Buddina, click here.

Having moved from India to Australia in 2015, Dr Shruti Goswami has recently joined our Buddina practice on the beautiful Queensland coast, as Lead Dentist.

We had a chat with Dr Shruti about the path that led her to become a dentist, what she enjoys about her role, and what she likes to get up to when she’s not helping her patients keep their smiles in the best condition.

Hi Dr Shruti, can you tell us a bit about your background and how you got into dentistry?

It was actually quite an unexpected journey! After I graduated in 2004 in India, my plan was to get into medicine, not dentistry. However, I ended up applying for a few different fields and I got into dentistry almost by accident!

It wasn’t necessarily what I’d been planning to do, but I decided to just go with the flow - and I found I really liked it. I particularly enjoyed the artistic side of dentistry, which is something I was drawn to right from the start.

My husband and I moved to Australia in 2015, and that’s how I’m here on the coast in Buddina, working with National Dental Care.

Speaking of National Dental Care, what do you enjoy about being part of National Dental Care Group?

Although I’ve only recently moved to the practice, I’m already enjoying the culture. There’s a real sense of connection between people that you don’t seem to find in other corporates. It’s very accessible and open at all levels, which I really like.

National Dental Care Group also provides fantastic education opportunities - there’s a real focus on training, which is great.

Do you specialise in a particular area of dentistry - or do you have a more general focus?

I work in general dentistry, so I do a bit of everything. However, I do also enjoy building teeth. Sometimes patients come in with very worn-down teeth that we have to build up from scratch, meaning they’ll need to return three or four times for fillings, crowns etc. It’s a challenging task, but it’s also a very rewarding process to support them throughout this journey, and help them rebuild their smile and confidence. When you’re not busy working in the dental practice, what do you enjoy doing outside of work?

My husband and I enjoy going for nature walks and being outdoors in general - I think we’ve explored most of the beaches and coastal areas around here! I also love cooking, so in my free time, you’ll usually find me doing that or being out on a beautiful walk in the local area.

Finally, what’s your number one oral health tip for our readers?

I would have to say: Following a good diet. It makes all the difference to your oral health. I know that ‘flossing’ is usually the answer that dentists normally give - and, of course, it’s very important! - but combining this with a healthy diet is key to good oral health.

I think we all know what we need to avoid or cut down on (such as high-sugar food and drinks), but we often don’t follow this as much as we should. So I’d advise people to stick to a healthy diet in addition to flossing daily.

If you’d like to book an appointment with Dr Goswami at NDC Buddina, click here.