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Dr Chris Iles - Dentist

Dr Chris Iles


Dr. Chris Iles qualified with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) and worked in a variety of practices prior to taking up a position with DB Dental in Innaloo, where he has worked for the last three and a half years.

Dr. Iles is a general dentist and enjoys all aspects of dentistry, but has particular interest in paediatric dentistry, minor oral surgery and prosthodontics (replacement of missing teeth). He is also a certified Invisalign provider and takes great pleasure in helping to restore patient’s confidence by improving their smiles.

Chris is a member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA), the Australia and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry (ANZSPD), and the Australian Prosthodontic Society (APS).

He is also a qualified pharmacist, holding a Masters (MPharm) degree and working in the field for 10 years, so patients taking multiple medications can rest assured that they will be well looked after during their treatment.

During his time away from the dental surgery, Chris enjoys keeping fit by cycling, swimming and running, however, he most enjoys spending his free time with his wife and young children, exploring WA and making the most of the great outdoors.

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